LEAD-K and NBDA Announcement

Language Equality and Acquisition for Deaf Kids(LEAD-K) and the National Black Deaf Advocates(NBDA) are here to announce a new partnership! Learn more about LEAD-K: lead-k.orgLearn more about the NBDA: nbda.org Full Transcript Below:Hello! My name is Evon Black, President of the National Black Deaf Advocates. Hi I’m Sam Holden, Vice Presidentof the National Black Deaf Advocates. Hi

Bridging the language gap: LEAD-K

by Andrea Juillerat-Olvera Most people are unaware of the debate over educating deaf and hard of hearing children that has been seething for more than 130 years. One faction takes a medical view of deafness, seeing it as a defect in need of fixing. This group aims to make the deaf or hard of hearing child