LEAD-K MA Community Vlog 3

Before I start, I want to thank you to the LEAD-K MA Core Team, Advocates, Community, Families and Friends for your support up to date! Yes, our bills, H.3550 and S.305 had their public hearing before the Joint Committee on Education took place last week on Tuesday, July 23rd. Even though it was a rainy


As promised, here’s an ASL version of H.3550, currently before the Massachusetts State Legislature. To read the full English text, please visit: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/191/H…


CALLING ALL ADVOCATES! If you agree with us that all deaf and hard of hearing kids should start kindergarten with full, robust language, please read on. We’re inviting you to be part of the advocacy effort to pass H.3550 and S.305 currently before the Mass State Legislature. Please complete our form: https://forms.gle/jrPn1b3azPk8A7aD9 More information: Read the

LEAD K MA Community Vlog 2

Hello! I’d like to share several updates with the community. 1. Last week on May 15th, MCDHH hosted a Deaf HH Constituents’ Day at the State House. We had a booth along with other organizations/agencies. We also had LEAD-K advocates/volunteers meet with all 200 legislators and share about the bill. It was a success! We gained

LEAD-K MA: Community Vlog

This is to follow up the National LEAD-K response to ROAR. Before I start, I want to thank both ROAR, community members and advocates for their passion for what’s for the best for our Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (DHH) children and their families. I would like also to share additional information that focuses on Massachusetts only.

LEAD-K and NBDA Announcement

Language Equality and Acquisition for Deaf Kids(LEAD-K) and the National Black Deaf Advocates(NBDA) are here to announce a new partnership! Learn more about LEAD-K: lead-k.orgLearn more about the NBDA: nbda.org Full Transcript Below:Hello! My name is Evon Black, President of the National Black Deaf Advocates. Hi I’m Sam Holden, Vice Presidentof the National Black Deaf Advocates. Hi

Bridging the language gap: LEAD-K

by Andrea Juillerat-Olvera Most people are unaware of the debate over educating deaf and hard of hearing children that has been seething for more than 130 years. One faction takes a medical view of deafness, seeing it as a defect in need of fixing. This group aims to make the deaf or hard of hearing child

LEGISLATIVE TIP: Schedule a meet

Don’t put off meeting your legislator. Schedule a meet today. #tiptuesday#NADlegislativetip VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Kim is standing in the NAD Headquarters lobby. The NAD logo is at the upper right corner. “LEGISLATIVE TIPS” appears in white text inside a blue border box, “WITH KIM” is a transparent text inside a small white box. KIM: